Sunday, September 27, 2009

Top 10 ... Baby Style

The Top 10 Most Unglamorous Things About Having a Two Week Old Baby
10. Having your daughter pee a stream directly at you in the middle of a diaper change. (I thought only boys peed like that.)

9. Sucking boogers out of your baby's nose with a rubber suction bulb.

8. The stench of a rotting umbilical cord stump.

7. When said umbilical cord stump comes off on your wife's bare belly while nursing.

6. A poopy diaper that squirts out the diaper, up her back & soils her onesie.

5. Trying to decide if your bedroom smells more like dirty diapers or spoiled milk.

4. Struggling to remember the words to lullabies that you haven't heard in nearly 30 years ... at three in the morning.

3. Having your wife stop you on your way out the front door - not to kiss you goodbye, but to tell you that you're about to leave with a burp cloth on your shoulder.

2. Cleaning dried breast milk out of your baby's hair.

And, the number one, most unglamorous thing about having a two week old baby ... (drum roll)

1. Cleaning dried breast milk out of your WIFE'S hair.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby!

A couple of weeks ago, as Anna's due date approached, I started to contemplate the blog post that would be her birth announcement. I run most days at lunch and I allow my mind to wander in a million directions to distract myself from the fact that my thighs are about to explode & my lungs are quickly collapsing. One particular day, I penned the complete "birth announcement" blog post in my mind. Even though I didn't know any of the details of her birth, I was sure that I knew exactly how I was going to feel & what I would want to say. Boy! Was I ever full of myself!

Since the big day, this blog post has loomed over me. I've enjoyed blogging & am anxious to keep it up. I know at least a few family members (*cough* Aunt Betty *cough*) are following along, so that's some incentive as well. But, I'm stuck. It's not right to move on to tell you how adorable Anna is and how little Traci is sleeping without some mention of her birth. After all, it was a life changing event for her. (For the record, it was pretty life-changing for me & Traci too.)

It's been one week since her birth and all that I can really say is that I have absolutely no words to describe how perfect & beautiful both she & Traci were in that very moment. We all know by now that I'm a big ole sap & a complete sucker for an emotional moment. But, truly, I've never experienced anything as happy & beautiful as what I witnessed that morning. Traci's labor through the night & work to bring Anna into the world, Anna's loud first cry, the bustle in the labor room, the excitement when you realize they're both okay, & then the joy when you see her placed on mom's chest ... there are simply no words to express it all. For all our technological advances, there's still no way to post, text, or tweet pure love. And that's just the way it should be.

For the statisticians amongst us ... here's the wrap-up

Anna Genevieve Hinshaw
Born: 09/15/09 at 8:42 a.m.
Weight: 6 pounds, 10 ounces
Length: 19 inches
Overall: Absolute perfection