Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Santa! Oh my!

This evening we went to see the Christmas lights at Lincoln Park Zoo. We were amazed by Anna's fascination with all the colored lights. As we pushed her through the zoo in her stroller, her gaze was constantly directed up - she laid in her carrier, staring at the lights, smiling & babbling.

The outing also included a visit with Santa Claus. Santa & the largest elf that I've ever seen were set-up in the Lion House. Anna told Santa that she'd been good "all her life" & that all she wanted for Christmas is to sleep through the night!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Anna "Dimples" Hinshaw

Just call her "Dimples"! They finally made an appearance this afternoon. Traci & I were out & about with some new parent friends this afternoon. I was pushing the stroller & Traci spotted 'em. As Anna smiled, two little dimples appeared just beyond the corners of her mouth. They're tiny. They're barely noticeable (for now, hopefully). BUT, they're there!

Now, we just have to catch them on film. In the meantime, here's Anna & Rudolph.