Saturday, August 22, 2009


According to wikipedia, the nesting instict refers to an urge in pregnant animals to prepare a home for the upcoming newborn(s). The nesting instinct is found in a variety of animals, both mammals and birds. Wikipedia says that in rodents, the instinct is characterized by the urge to seek the lowest sheltered spot available. Dogs find a place like a box and smooth out the bottom. Domestic cats often make nests by bringing straw, cloth scraps, and other soft materials to a secluded nook or other small space.

Wikipedia doesn't mention Traci. Though, today's activities make clear that she's nesting. I've always known Traci to be fairly tidy. She will occasionally go through a pretty fierce cleaning spurt. Though, I've never seen anything quite like today. Our entire home is now clean, but our kitchen is, well, let's just say you could do open heart surgery on the kitchen floor if you needed to. The kitchen walls are scrubbed. The base boards are scrubbed. All of our dishes are clean. The dog bowls sparkle. And, then, there's the kitchen floors. To say that the floors have been scrubbed seems inadequate. I'm not sure which English verb means "cleaned meticulously with a three-bristle tooth brush & a gallon of elbow grease", but that appears to be what's been done to our kitchen floors. I could simultaneously eat off of them & comb my hair in the reflection.

Seems like it might not be long now ....

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