Hard to believe, but Anna is 9 months old today! I know I sound old myself when I say time flies, but, really, there's no other way to put it....these last 9 months have gone by soooo fast (too fast, really)! Anna's 9 month dr's appt isn't for another week, so I'll share stats at that point; for now, here's what the lil snickerdoodle is up to!
9 months is an incredibly fun age, at least when you are blessed with the smiley happy baby we are. Anna has been pulling herself up for the past 2+ weeks, and is now eagerly working on walking. Her half-crawl/half-walk movement, combined with walking along the furniture, get her everywhere she wants to go, for now. We're spending alot of time following her around the house -- I wouldn't say "chasing" just yet, since she's not too fast, but I know those days are just around the corner. For now, it's following behind to make sure she doesn't stick her pudgy little fingers into something dangerous or pull something down on top of herself. Keeps us busy, as well as entertained!
Anna is also starting to really express her interests and desires. She has a couple of favorite books that she likes to read over, and over, and over....and she's often perfectly happy playing by herself and pulling her toys out of her toy box, one at a time. Or, if that's not an option, pulling clean laundry out of the laundry basket is an enjoyable substitute. Until recently, it seemed as if Anna liked any and all food you would offer her, but I think we've finally run into a few that she's not so fond of. I'm still trying to convince her cauliflower and broccoli are tasty (?), but usually have to resort to some trickery for her to open her mouth for either.
Most notably, Anna has learned to roar like a lion, and recognize the lion in her books and music -- her dad is SO proud (if you ask him about it, I'm sure he'll let you listen to the recording on his cell phone). Really, it's a skill all 9 month olds should have, right? It IS just about the most adorable thing ever, and never fails to cheer her up.
Personally, I'm quite proud of her recent ability to "kiss". Not quite a kiss, but a super cute fish face that sounds like a kiss.
Hopefully I'll get both on video to share soon -- in the meantime, you'll just have to take my word that it will make you melt.