Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Nearly 6 weeks!
No one ever told us it would be this hard. And, if they had, we wouldn't've believed 'em. The thing is, we have a relatively good baby. BUT, it still seems like she always needs something - food, a clean diaper, rocking .... Unfortunately she can't reach the cupboard yet- even WITH her "stand up to make me tall / sit down to make me small" stool.
The serious truth is that Anna had developed (emphasis on HAD) a nice sleep/awake/eat schedule that consisted of several 3 hour naps, a few hours of awake time, and eating in between. Her schedule had her sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night, waking only to eat. Then, something happened. She turned five weeks old & all of that went out the door. Now she sleeps in 45 minute increments, if we're lucky, and wails (not cries, wails) for equally as long periods. Everyone says that this fussy period around 5-6 weeks is common. Everyone says that it'll pass. We just wish "everyone" would come take their turn pacing up & down the hallway with her in the wee hours of the morning.
On a less stressful note, Anna is growing like a weed. (I never thought I'd actually use that expression. I'm turning into my parents & my parents' parents before my very eyes.) Anna's 4 week pediatrician appointment showed her at 9 lbs, 8ozs & 22 inches long. Mom's milk suits her, I'd say. Her neck has grown amazingly strong. She's able to raise & control her head for several seconds at a time now. She's starting to focus on people and things now too. She loves the light of a lamp and will turn her head when she hears Traci enter the room.
My favorite part of the day is just after I get home. I sit on the couch, telling Traci about my day, with Anna in my lap. Anna stares up at me, soaking in every word, as though at any moment she might speak up to comment.
Anna's facial expressions are developing too. She smiles often now, makes cooing sounds, & blows spit bubbles for fun. (Live it up, Little Lady. Soon enough we'll be getting on to you for blowing spit bubbles!) Her best expression of all though is the sad face that she makes just before she cries. The corners of her lips turn down (almost at right angles); her brow furrows; her eyes squint. Then, just for a spit second, right before the wail escapes her lips, she's the most adorable, heart-melting baby you'll ever see.
Parenting a fussy, six week old is hard work. But, the joy outweighs the pain.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
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