Remember when Friday nights meant high school football games? You wore your favorite sweatshirt and stood at the edge of the field. You held someone's hand for the first time or exchanged innocent pecks under the bleachers.
Remember when Friday nights meant parties at the sorority or fraternity house? You stayed out late, acted like you were all grown up. Then back at the dorm you stayed up even later talking about who you saw, who you met & wondered if they liked you too.
Remember when Friday nights meant dates, a dinner & a movie? Remember when Friday night meant meeting friends after work for happy hour? Remember when Friday nights meant concerts & house parties? Remember when Friday nights meant a long walk for ice cream with someone special? Remember when Friday night meant just snuggling on the couch for a movie?
Remember when Friday night meant washing brand new baby clothes & unpacking a fresh pack of newborn diapers? WAIT. What?
Yup. Friday night & we're unpacking hand-me-down baby clothes & clipping the tags from new ones. Baby's complete wardrobe, all those tiny little onesies & sleepers, fill only half the washer. Then we'll dry, fold, & place them gently in the freshly lined dresser drawers where they wait for 6 more short weeks.